
Table of Contents

  1. Parameter Option Dependence
  2. Element Usage Option Dependence
    1. Using the Element Definitions browser
    2. Using the Product Tree view

A study may have more than one option. There is always a main option which is the baseline but there may be more. Common options could include chemical vs electrical propulsion, expanded vs default payload, controlled vs uncontrolled re-entry etc.

The systems team creates the Options in the Study Model and will specify what Options are being used.

By default all equipment that is an Element Usage in the system will apply to all Options. If this is not the case and the equipment used depends on an Option, then the equipment must be correctly assigned. This can be done in two different ways:

  1. If the equipment will be the same except for the Parameter Values (e.g. the payload will have a larger power for an expanded payload Option), parameter option dependence can be used.
  2. If the equipment will be different (e.g an additional camera will be required for the expanded payload Option but not for the default payload Option), the option choice can be made on the Element Usage.

Parameter Option Dependence

  1. It is recommended to first filter the Element Definitions browser to only see the required domain.

  2. Right-click on the parameter that should be dependent on the Option.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Check the Option dependent box.

  5. Click OK.

  6. The parameter will now be an expandable list and the values can be filled per Option.

Parameter Option Dependence

Hide Example
Once the blueprint has been created and filled, the expert can choose how to adapt the blueprint for different scenarios. The example now considers a 2nd scenario where the payload requires more power. This scenario will be known as the "Expanded Option" whereas the "Default Option", which was already modelled before, also remains part of the model.
In the case of the Instrument expert this means in the "Expanded Option" the power parameters on their blueprint will need to be higher than in the "Default Option". They can indicate this on their blueprint.

This corresponds to the Instrument expert making their power while on parameter option dependent in COMET.

Payload add options

For the Power expert, this means that the "Expanded Option" requires more solar arrays to handle the increased power consumption.

This corresponds to the Power expert making the `number of items` paramater option dependent.

Power option 1

Combining the inputs from the Power and Instrument experts a view of the complete spacecraft for each option can be obtained.

Spacecraft default option
Spacecraft expanded option

Element Usage Option Dependence

Using the Element Definitions browser

Element Usage option dependance can be defined in the Element Definitions browser. When expanding an Element Definition, the Element Usages nested inside it one level deep can be seen. To make one of these Element Usages option dependent:

  1. In the Element Definitions browser click on the overlapping green circles Payload add options next to the Element Usage that must be made option dependent.

  2. Check the boxes for the relevant Options.

  3. You will see that the Product Tree view for each Option will update according to the changes.

Usage Option Dependence

Using the Product Tree view

Element Usage option dependance can be defined in the Product Tree view. Element Usages can be visualized by expanding the Product Tree view down to the equipment level. To make one of these Element Usages option dependent:

  1. In the Product Tree view right-click on the Element Usage that must be made option dependent and select edit.

  2. Navigate to the Options tab.

  3. Check the boxes for the relevant Options.

Usage Option Dependence