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A domain expert may require Parameter Values owned by other domains for their design. In COMET, these can be tracked through Subscriptions. For example, the Power expert may want to subscribe to the power while on parameter of the payload from the Instrument expert to know if the maximum power demand grows or shrinks.

To subscribe to a parameter that is owned by another domain:

  1. Right-click on the parameter of interest in the Element Definitions browser.

  2. Click Subscribe to this Parameter.

  3. Check that the parameter icon changed from Not subscribed icon to Subscribed icon .

  4. Check the Switch changed to COMPUTED.

Adding a Subscription

Subscriptions allow values that are not owned by a domain to be pulled from the model while using other software to link with COMET. Using the COMET Excel Plugin is tackled here.

Hide Example
Once experts have completed their blueprints these are available for everyone to see. The Power expert knows that the power used by the payload will be an important value for them and so asks a courier to bring it to their office so they can use it and bring an update if the Instrument expert ever updates it.

This corresponds to subscribing to a parameter in COMET.

Other experts may also ask the courier to do the same so the courier makes a note of all the requested values from the blueprints.

courier collects

The courier then delivers the payload power value to the Power expert's office so that they can use it in their calculations.

courier delivers